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About Office of Student Affairs and Student Experience and Development Section

Introduction of Office of Student Affairs

The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a large campus community. The vibrant and diverse Campus offers ample opportunities for academic advancement and personal development. To assist our students to explore and experience different aspects of university life and to make the best out of it, the Office of Student Affairs provides a variety of activities and services. These include supporting student activities and student bodies, services for non-local students, mental-wellness promotion as well as career planning and development.

This aims to enhance students’ potential development as well as their holistic personal growth.

As a bridge between students and the University, we welcome active communication and suggestions from students, so that we can better understand your needs and render appropriate support and services.

We care about you, your well-being and future development.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong is committed to providing its students with a holistic and balanced education, consisting of both formal and non-formal elements. The formal element is primarily academic pursuit, while the non-formal element includes non-academic activities and personal education.

The Office of Student Affairs aims to facilitate the all-round personal development and growth of students of the University. It is our goal to meet students’ progressive needs and help them realize their potential as they advance along their educational path at the University. We offer a wide range of quality services and activities to our students and other relevant parties. We also work with other functional units within the University and external resources to provide support to our students.

Introduction of Student Experience and Development Section

The Student Experience and Development Section (SEDS) of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is dedicated to promoting non-formal education and coordinating diverse student activities to provide students with a wide range of learning opportunities. Our services include guiding and supporting student leaders and organizations, initiating the Cu-SuCCeSS student-run café startup programme, managing the student activity fund to support student development, and organizing various leadership development and service learning activities. We also oversee the university's orientation activities and related matters. By collaborating with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community partners, we provide students with experiential learning opportunities in Hong Kong, mainland China, and overseas. By adopting the WE.CARE framework, we strive to cultivate well-rounded individuals, celebrate their achievements, and inspire a lifelong commitment to learning, and contribution to the community.


We foster students’ whole-person development through diverse non-formal education opportunities, nurturing students to become engaged and responsible leaders in the community.


The SEDS of the OSA is committed to enhancing student learning through the coordination of various activities and programmes. We provide guidance and support to student leaders and organizations, facilitate experiential learning opportunities locally and internationally, and promote leadership development. By adopting the WE.CARE framework, we strive to cultivate well-rounded individuals, celebrate their achievements, and inspire a lifelong commitment to learning, and contribution to the community.

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