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Road Map for Student Development

Adopting the four-pronged approach outlined in the University Strategic Plan 2021-2025, this road map facilitates comprehensive preparation for our students' life journeys from their initial engagement to the goal of a flourishing life. Recognizing that each student has unique characteristics, strengths, orientations, and readiness, this process allows them to enter at any point that suits their needs.

  • Engage students with ideas and practice of

(a) empathetic concern for the well-being of others and nature;
(b) social engagement;
(c) creative and adaptive life planning; and
(d) a growth mindset

  • Activities designed to develop desirable values, attitudes and skills as a part of enhanced student orientation and first-year experience programmes

  • A phase for students to explore their interests and aspirations and hone their skills, through career planning, social engagement at local, national and international levels, and other opportunities provided through the Colleges, I•CARE Centre and other units

  • Overseas exposures and global learning opportunities to explore different cultures and environments, reflect on national and global issues, and acquire intercultural sensibility and skills

  • A phase for further development of values and attitudes, with the benefit of experience and reflection

  • Translating insight gained into practice, with University support for students to design their action plans for self-engagement, relating to others, and serving the community through social engagement


  • Continuous support to students to apply their knowledge, values and plans to real-life situations, with the aim of developing further self-enhancement and ability to contribute to society

  • A dynamic life plan constituted and reconstituted

  • Reaping the benefit of development and empowerment in the process, students can grow with the desired values and skills to become responsible and productive members of society


  • Our graduates will

(a) be mature adults equipped with the competence to navigate social and cultural diversity and complexities;
(b) embrace a growth mindset and be adaptive and creative; and
(c) possess strong ethical character marked by a deep concern for human welfare, and engage in activities contributing to the betterment of humanity


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