Cultivation of Social Entrepreneurial Spirits
Initiatives that inspire creativity and entrepreneurial thinking, providing start-up learning experiences to help students turn innovative ideas into impactful social ventures.
CUEA Happy Hour Event

As one of the organising units of the CUEA Happy Hour Event, SEDS is committed to building a more effective and informative entrepreneurial platform by hosting and supporting a wide variety of entrepreneurship-related activities for creating a persistent wave of positive and win-win synergy in driving the growth and further development of CUHK entrepreneurship.
Social Enterprise Startup Scheme (SESS)

The Social Enterprise Startup Scheme not only funds CUHK students and young alumni to transform their creative business ideas into meaningful startups, but most importantly offers mentorship to them by the experts in real business sector. Participants may receive a maximum of HK$100,000 as seed money to set up an enterprise with social mission.
Cu-SuCCeSS- Student-run Coffee Shop Startup

Under CU-SuCCeSS, a student-run coffee shop, a pioneer at CUHK, is setting up on campus through the close collaboration between different units, including the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), PI Center and Minor Program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPIN) as a base for carrying out an experiential learning project for developing students’ practical skills in entrepreneurship, business operation, and financial arrangement.