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Community Engagement and Service Learning

Opportunities for students to engage in community service and social impact projects, encouraging active citizenship and fostering a sense of responsibility towards the communities.

Collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross

Collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross.jpg

​We collaborate with the Hong Kong Red Cross and promote their events and activities to students for their understanding of humanity and the latest social topics.

Community Inclusion Service Programme

Community Inclusion Service Programme

The Community Inclusion Service Programme provides a platform for CUHK students to get in touch with vulnerable members or social minority groups in the community. Mutual understanding and exchange will be enhanced through interacting in thematic activities, which facilitate to build up respect and support and promote social inclusion. Apart from participating in thematic activities, students will coordinate extended services and activities, duties include programme rundown planning, materials preparation, formulating promotional strategies, and other tasks assigned, for enriching their experience in organising services and equipping them with relevant skills.

Go Eco-friendly!

Go Eco-friendly

Go Eco-friendly! is one of the initiatives under the UGC Whole-person Development Fund, which aims to raise students' awareness of environmental protection and sustainability, thereby fostering their sense of social responsibility and citizenship.

A variety of group activities are organized with sponsorship from Go Eco-friendly! to offer students opportunities to explore environmental topics, such as climate change, low-carbon living, and conservation. These thematic activities include guided eco-tours, beach cleaning with canoeing, and handicraft workshops using recycled materials, and etc. Through these hands-on experiences, students can gain a deeper understanding of environmental issues and commit to more sustainable communities and future.

Social Service Project Scheme (SSPS)


The SSPS encourages CUHK students to design and implement sustainable social services in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas countries. In addition to financial subsidies, SSPS offers training opportunities and individual guidance to students to facilitate the success of their social service projects.

Collaboration with The Charles K. Kao Foundation

Collaboration with The Charles K. Kao Foundation

The Office of Student Affairs and The Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease have been the long-term partner over a decade, collaborating to organise a variety of volunteer activities, including the annual 'Christmas Charity Sale' fund-raising event. The funding can offer appropriate services to the patients with Alzheimer’s disease, their families and caregivers, as well as to raise public awareness and concern towards the disease.

Cross-Generational Integration Service Programme

Cross Generational Integration Service Programme

The Cross-generational Integration Service Programme aims at facilitating interaction between CUHK students and the elderly, so as to promote mutual understanding and respect. Thematic activities will be held in CUHK, elderly centres or the community that enhancing exchange and communication, and lead to cross-generation integration. Apart from participating in thematic activities, students will coordinate extended services and activities, duties include programme rundown planning, materials preparation, formulating promotional strategies, and other tasks assigned, for enriching their experience in organising elderly services and equipping them with relevant skills.

Hong Kong Cultural Tours

HK Cultural Tour

Students in this project were trained as local cultural docents. They led community tours for secondary school students to understand the culture and history of Hong Kong. Concurrently, through the interaction, CUHK participants would experience enrichment in their self-confidence, problem-solving skills, and cooperation skills while planning and executing the tours, as well as polishing their leadership talents, story-telling and communication techniques.

The Shadowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS)

Shawdowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS)

Co-organised with Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School (CSJSS), the Student Experience and Development Section, Office of Student Affairs, organises a service project called “Shadowing Scheme for Secondary Students (SSeedS)”. SSeedS aims to:

  • make friends;

  • provide an opportunity for CUHK students to serve the community as peer mentors;

  • introduce concepts of everyday leadership;

  • develop a service mindset;

  • enhance students’ generic competencies of innovative problem-solving, communication and teamwork through service learning;

  • understand yourself, your team and help them flourish.

SSeedS also creates a platform for members to practice and prepare themselves for an everyday leader. Both SSeedS members (the peer mentors) and the secondary students can benefit through life-on-life interaction.

Student Experience & Development Section,
Office of Student Affairs,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • ​1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


  • Room 501-504 & 506, 5/F, Wong Foo Yuan Building,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

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3943 7323

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Mon - Thu: 08:45 - 13:00; 14:00 - 17:30

Fri: 08:45 - 13:00; 14:00 - 17:45

Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

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Office of Student Affairs, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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