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Whole-person Development Programmes

A Walk in Community

A Walk in Community

“ A Walk in Community” takes you beyond the campus and into the heart of the community, offering a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience to understand various social issues and the different forms of social services available in Hong Kong. Through visits to social service providers, students will become acquainted with their missions and services, and engage with the recipients. This initiative aims to encourage students to gain a deeper understanding of and actively participate in social services, fostering a diverse, harmonious, and inclusive society.

Book Festival

Book Festival

Through a series of events, I·CARE Book Festival aims to foster a literary and cultural engagement and community among the CUHK campus. The festival featured "Book Talks," a "Book Crossing Pavilion," a " Exhibition" and other activities. Beyond simply providing a platform for sharing books, ideas, and perspectives, the festival strives to cultivate a vibrant reading environment on campus, and nurture a lifelong passion for reading and learning among the university community.

Collaboration with CUHK-Shenzhen

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The SEDS, OSA maintains a close relationship with the CUHK-Shenzhen Office of Student Affairs to foster collaboration on programmes between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. With the aim of benefiting students from both CUHK and CUHK-Shenzhen, we strive to offer our respective programmes to each other, thereby providing more valuable opportunities for experiential learning. Additionally, this collaboration serves as an opportunity for students from CUHK and CUHK-Shenzhen to connect, foster cultural exchange, and get to know each other better.

Collaboration with The Charles K. Kao Foundation

Collaboration with The Charles K. Kao Foundation

The Office of Student Affairs and The Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease have been the long-term partner over a decade, collaborating to organise a variety of volunteer activities, including the annual 'Christmas Charity Sale' fund-raising event. The funding can offer appropriate services to the patients with Alzheimer’s disease, their families and caregivers, as well as to raise public awareness and concern towards the disease.

Cross-Generational Integration Service Programme

Cross Generational Integration Service Programme

The I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Service Programme aims at facilitating interaction between CUHK students and the elderly, so as to promote mutual understanding and respect. Thematic activities will be held in CUHK, elderly centres or the community that enhancing exchange and communication, and lead to cross-generation integration. Apart from participating in thematic activities, students will coordinate extended services and activities, duties include programme rundown planning, materials preparation, formulating promotional strategies, and other tasks assigned, for enriching their experience in organising elderly services and equipping them with relevant skills.

CUHK Caring Service Leaders Expo

A Walk in Community

​The CUHK Caring Service Leaders Expo is designed to showcase the contributions of students to society through their involvement in various local and overseas programmes organised by the SEDS, OSA. This event also serves as a platform for peer learning and inspiration in community service. Student leaders will exhibit their learning outcomes at the student-led interactive booths, and participating in an appreciation ceremony to honor and encourage students’ societal contributions.

Hong Kong Cultural Tours

HK Cultural Tour

Students in this project were trained as local cultural docents. They led community tours for secondary school students to understand the culture and history of Hong Kong. Concurrently, through the interaction, CUHK participants would experience enrichment in their self-confidence, problem-solving skills, and cooperation skills while planning and executing the tours, as well as polishing their leadership talents, story-telling and communication techniques.

Life and Death Education (LDE) Programme

Life and Death Education Programme

The LDE Programme is aimed at promoting positivity and enhancing the quality of life through comprehensive education. LDE is an educational programme designed with the theme of "Understanding Life and Death, Appreciation of the Beauty of Life" to provide students with insights into life and death and to foster students’ understanding and appreciation of the value of life.

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme (SESS)


The Social Enterprise Startup Scheme not only funds CUHK students and young alumni to transform their creative business ideas into meaningful startups, but most importantly offers mentorship to them by the experts in real business sector.  Participants may receive a maximum of HK$100,000 as seed money to set up an enterprise with social mission.

Student trip to Chengdu

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CUHK students embark on a cultural and educational exchange trip to South West Jiaotong University. During their visit, they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local art, culture and landscapes of Chengdu or nearby area. This experience aims to foster a deeper understanding of the country's development while also enriching their academic and personal growth.

Achievers Programme


The Achievers Programme is designed to promote 24 Character Strengths and life values through a wide range of small-group experiential learning activities to enhance students’ self-understanding, positive values, leadership and resilience.

Buddy of University Lecture on Civility Scheme

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In approximately six months, "Buddy of University Lecture on Civility Scheme"  will provide platforms to participant on local culture exposure, inspiring them to learn how to plan and promote cultural events. Buddies will actively engage in the preparation of cultural activities to gain practical experience and bring their ideas to life. 

Collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross

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​We collaborate with the Hong Kong Red Cross and promote their events and activities to students for their understanding of humanity and the latest social topics.

Community Inclusion Service Programme

Community Inclusion Service Programme

The I·CARE Community Inclusion Service Programme provides a platform for CUHK students to get in touch with vulnerable members or social minority groups in the community. Mutual understanding and exchange will be enhanced through interacting in thematic activities, which facilitate to build up respect and support and promote social inclusion. Apart from participating in thematic activities, students will coordinate extended services and activities, duties include programme rundown planning, materials preparation, formulating promotional strategies, and other tasks assigned, for enriching their experience in organising services and equipping them with relevant skills.

CUHK Bridge to China (WZQ) Team


CUHK Bridge to China volunteering team has established a close partnership with the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation to initiate rural revitalisation programs in mainland China and Hong Kong. The team strives to enhance the livelihood of underprivileged villagers whilst facilitating personal growth through dedicating themselves to voluntary experiences. Previous initiatives included constructing bridges, providing public health education, cultural preservation and advocating sustainable development.

In Dialogue with China Study Tours - Yunnan / Shenyang

Study trips - Yunnan

“In Dialogue with China” - Yunnan / Shenyang tours co-organised with the University General Education, is designed to deepen students’ appreciation of the complexity, grandeur, and richness of the nation’s history and culture, and enhance their sense of national identity, study trips under various themes and formats will be organized to explore the many facets of China, from modern bustling metropolises to traditional rural villages and from cutting-edge technology development to rich cultural heritage.

Leadership Enhancement And Development (LEAD) Programme


The LEAD Programme provides outbound service-learning opportunities for students. It aims to broaden students’ global perspectives and nurture them with a stronger sense of social responsibility, cultural appreciation, and global citizenship as a future leader.


Small-group Reunion 

Small-group Reunion

Incumbent and former CUHK teachers will get a taste of life together with students in this post-COVID era, to explore on different subjects and issues which are important yet being overlooked, discover the hidden gems, as well as to reconnect with the community.

Social Service Project Scheme (SSPS)


The SSPS encourages CUHK students to design and implement sustainable social services in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas countries. In addition to financial subsidies, SSPS offers training opportunities and individual guidance to students to facilitate the success of their social service projects.

Theatre in Mountain


Theatre in Mountain aims to create an enriching and immersive cinematic experience for students. Organised by this Section, one featured film will be screened monthly in the academic year. Different guests are invited to deliver a post-screening discussion to share the message in the film.

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