Do you have a brilliant idea but lack the funding to turn it into reality? Here is your chance to bring your project to life — don't miss the opportunity to apply for this year's 'Empowering Youth Fund (EYF)!’ Managed by the Student Experience and Development Section of the Office of Student Affairs, EYF aims to empower CUHK students to serve our communities and enrich campus life by organising various campaigns and activities. EYF provides financial support for individual CUHK undergraduate students who want to empower other CUHK students or people in our communities. EYF also provides an opportunity for students to hone their leadership skills by fostering collaborations with selected partners.
All CUHK full-time undergraduate students are eligible to apply, either as individuals or as a team.
Application Deadline:
23:59, 28 January 2025 (Tuesday).
Application Form and Method:
Please submit your application via https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=12408833.
For details, please download the Notes for Applicants at
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Suki Chan at Tel/ WhatsApp: 3943-8652; Email: sukiclychan@cuhk.edu.hk. Thank you.